Response upload

You can import data from other systems into Pointerpro using the Response upload feature. The answers to your questions can be entered into a CSV file and uploaded to the platform. After uploading your data is validated, answers are stored and any post-processing on your questionnaire is triggered.



This feature is currently being tested and is scheduled to be released to all users in March 2025.


1. Finding the feature and downloading the template

Open the Results of the questionnaire and click on the Upload button. If you can't see this button, reach out to support.

In this pop-up you can click Download template to get an example upload file for this questionnaire. A download will start and give you a CSV file that has been completely preconfigured for your questionnaire.


The downloaded template is generated based on the current setup of your questionnaire. If you expect changes are needed to your questionnaire, we strongly recommend generating the template and adding data to it <after> those changes have been applied. 

IMPORTANT: Any changes made to the questionnaire after downloading a template can cause incompatibility. Most prominent examples of this are: adding / removing / disabling / reordering questions and changing the question text. 

Similarly, if you manually change anything in the header-row of the template, such as adding / removing / reordering columns or changing the text, the template will also become incompatible.

Note that uploading responses will trigger all normal post processing logic such as sending Email Templates, calculating Formulas / Outcomes / Report Widget Logic and such... Just like for a normal (manually entered) response.

If you wish to test the feature, we recommend uploading only a few responses, so they can later be deleted through the Responses tab.

2. Adding your data to the template

The upload feature works with CSV files, so the template is already in that format. You can open and edit CSV files with software such as Microsoft Excel, Apple's Numbers or Google Sheets. It is important that you do not change the column structure or the column header values. 

Each template comes preloaded with 1 dummy response to indicate how and what kind of data is expected.

Data is expected in the following format on all values:

  • A header row that could contain line-breaks *
  • Each response on a new row
  • All values surrounded by double quotes (") (example: "abc")
  • Two values separated by a semicolon (;) (example: "1";"2")
  • No semicolon (;) after the last value of a row

* Opening a file like this in a flat text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit could visually show this as multiple rows. This is normal and can be ignored. You can upload the file like this without any issues.

3. Uploading your data

Once your data is in the CSV file, you can proceed uploading it to the platform. Just head back over to the pop-up and click the Upload responses button. Once the file was uploaded you'll see a green or red message indicating if the upload succeeded or not. In case the upload failed, just try again.

Once the file is processed, you'll receive an email containing any information available. If the upload failed, the email will contain a list of the issues encountered. Note that in this case, none of the responses were uploaded and you can just fix the issues in the file and upload it again.

Common errors and how to handle them

Invalid headersMost likely cause:
You changed the questionnaire or header row in the file after downloading the template.

Download a new template as explained in step 1 of this help guide. Then copy over the data from the old file to the new.
Question is mandatoryMost likely cause:
You left the answer to a mandatory question blank or you are trying to upload an answer to a mandatory question of a non-supported question type.

Make the question non-mandatory so it can be left blank or change the question type to a supported type. (But note that this severely impacts existing data!)
Contact could not be foundMost likely cause:
The contact you are reffering to does not exist in your account.

Create the contact (Distribution > Contacts) or upload that response anonymously by not filling in a contact.
Question / Intro field is invalidMost likely cause:
You're trying to enter an answer that is not available. (Eg: You're answering 15 on a scale from 0 to 10.)

Add the answer option to the question or correct the import file.

4. Supported question types

The following question types are currently supported:

  • Text Choice
  • Open Ended
  • Form
  • Image Choice
  • Slider (Numbers)
  • Slider (Text)
  • Ranking
  • Rating

The others (Image Upload, Text Only, NPS, Typeahead Auto-Suggest, Radio Button Rating, Continuous Sum, Interactive Image, XY Drag and Drop, Typeahead Form, File Upload, Signature, Stripe, Paypal, Scratch Card, Slot Machine, Puzzle) are currently not supported for upload.

Don't want to build it yourself? Contact our professional services team

Support is the author of this solution article.

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