The Dashboard builder enables you to create interactive dashboards to quickly analyze the assessment data you collect. With the dashboards, you can give stakeholders very concise and real-time insights they ask for.

Dashboard Builder is an extra feature with an additional fee.
Please contact [email protected].
Let's see how you can create your first dashboard step by step.
- Create a new dashboard
- Add widget items to your dashboard
- Connect dataset to your widget items
- Basic dashboard settings
- Export your dashboards
1. Create a new dashboard
1.1 In the Distribution dropdown on the navigation bar, select Dashboard Builder.
1.2 On the Dashboard Builder page, click "Create dashboard".
1.3 Select the questionnaire you want to connect the Dashboard with.
1.4 A basic dashboard is created and opened in "view mode".

If this is the first dashboard you're creating for this questionnaire, the basic dashboard will not contain any data at first. Your data is still being processed and will gradually become available. It could take a minute (or two) before the first responses are visible in the dashboard. You'll need to refresh the page to see the change.
1.5 Click "Enter edit mode" to customize the dashboard
2. Add widget items to your dashboard
2.1 On the top left corner, Click + Add item.
In the dropdown, you have more than 50+ widgets and charts to add to your dashboard.
2.2 Example: Add Dropdown filter and a Bar chart.
You can see the 2 widgets are added below the existing ones on the dashboard. Now you can connect dataset to the widgets. Click here to go to the section of connecting dataset to the chart widget.
2.3 Example: Add text blocks for additional information
- Add a Text widget to your dashboard
- Write your content in the text editor
2.4 Example: Add image blocks to include a logo of your brand
- Add an Image widget to your dashboard
- Click on the Settings button on the top right corner of the image widget. The settings of the image will appear. Click the Upload button and select your image to upload.
- There you go. Now your logo is added to the dashboard. You can also upload any other images to make this dashboard unique and fit your brand.
3. Connect dataset to your widget items
Click on the widget and you will see some options on the right hand side of the widget. Click on the first option "Data".
3.1 Add dataset to a bar chart (Example: Responses per question)
Now on the right side of the screen you have a list of datasets available for you to add to this dashboard.
In this bar chart, I want to show all the responses to question number 1.
- On the list of Available datasets, select Question Answers.
- Since the question type is "text choice", there will be a data option "answer". It means all the answer questions that you have set up in the questionnaire.
- Select the answer data option, drag and drop it on the Category label on the bart chart:
- Then you will see a bar chart with a lot of answers options on the Y-axis. It's because this includes all the answer options from all the questions in your questionnaire. Therefore, you need to add a filter by clicking the table icon (for data) on the top right corner of the chart widget. The Add filter button will show up.
- Once you click on Add filter, a pop-up will open. Click "Add filter" on this pop-up.
- Click the first drop down, scroll down and select question_order.
- Set the value as "1" or the number of the question that you want to display the response. Click "Apply filters".
- Now the data for this bart chart is filtered and will only show the responses to the answer options in question 1. You can also select the title of the chart and change the text. For example, change the chart title to the question title.
The same concept can be applied to the use case where you ask the respondent to select their location, or to select their team on the intro screen. For example, here's the assessment that asks the respondent for their location so you can use the bar chart to show number of responses submitted per region.
3.2 Add dataset to a donut chart (Example: Responses % per region or per team)
- Click Add item and select a donut chart/pie chart/semi circle donut chart
- I want to show the responses per region. Since this questionnaire asks respondent to select their region on the intro screen, for the dataset, select Intro Fields.
- Select answer, drag and drop it on the Category label of the donut chart.
- There you go. The data is connect and now you can see a distribution of the responses per region.
- To make the data more clear, click on the settings of this donut chart, select Show values -> Percentage.
- To adjust the position of the legends, click LEGEND in the settings of this donut chart and select the layout.
4. Basic dashboard settings
To adjust the overall settings of the dashboard, click on the settings icon on the right hand side. Let's go over some of the fundamental options.
4.1 Dashboard title and subtitle
You can toggle on and off the options to show title and subtitle of the dashboard, depending on the information you want to display.
4.2 Themes and colors
In the THEME section of the dashboard settings, you can choose a default them or customize your own theme.
Some default themes for your to choose from.
If you choose Custom theme, you have the total control over how your dashboard looks like.
Here you can see a list of settings you can make to the widget items to make sure the design fits your preference.
5. Export your dashboards
Do you need to send the results in your dashboard to your manager or colleges by email?
Do you want to show the dashboard in a presentation?
You can easily export your dashboards in to PDF or PNG file.
- Click on the dashboard dropdown button on the top right corner and select Export.
- A pop-up will appear and then you can export your dashboard.
What's next?
- Dashboard Builder: datasets explained: Check detailed explanations on the datasets available for your to connect to your
- Getting started with the basic widgets on your dashboard: Widget items: general.
- Create filter widgets on your dashboard for an interactive data analytics experience:Widget items: filters