Pre-fill your Intro fields to save respondents time and get their attention. If you have a field asking for the respondent's name, use a URL parameter to pre-fill this field if you already know their name and simply ask respondents to check the spelling, rather than making them enter data unnecessarily.

A URL parameter is the final part of the URL, which you can customize and use to identify someone or add information that will appear in the Intro fields. For example, to pre-fill a respondent's country, your URL could look like this:

Pre-fill the Intro fields and use piping to give respondents a personalized first screen. Grab their attention right away, and say "Welcome Neil, can you check your personal info is all correct and up-to-date?"
In this guide we'll discuss the following:
- Pre-fill Intro fields
- Pre-fill Intro fields with Contact external fields
- Aggregate data from one survey to another
1. Pre-fill Intro fields
Let's see how to do this. You can find the questionnaire link at the Share tab of your survey.
There is no limit, you can create as many intro fields as you like. We'll use two now for this example, name and city.
Notice how each Intro field is numbered. You can use this number to pre-fill each of them by adding the following text at the end of the link:
- /?cf
- Your field number and a = sign. E.g. 1= for the first one, 2= for the second one and so on
- The data you want to add, so either name, city, or whatever data you have
So in our first example, to add the respondent's name, the link would look like this:
For the second example where you ask for the city name, our link would be:
If you want to include both name and city, use the & sign, so your link would be:
2 Pre-fill Intro fields with Contact External fields
Start by filling in the contact information of your respondent. See here how to create a Contact.
After you have added your contacts, go ahead and create your Intro fields with the corresponding External fields names.
Now you can link your contact with the URL parameter of your survey.
Pre-fill each field by adding the following text at the end of the link:
- ?rid=UID_
- The unique Identifier - y0urUn1qu3ID
So in our example, the link would look like this:
This is how the Intro Screen will look like:
Make sure to send the right link to the right people!
3. Aggregate data from one survey to another
This feature can also be used as a complete 180 assessment. This means that you can aggregate data from one survey to another. Let's see how you can do that.
3.1 Create the pre-filled intro fields
3.1 Create the pre-filled intro fields
After you have finished your two surveys, you will create pre-filled intro fields at the second survey.
Pre-fill each intro field with the qX_response. This will allow you to transfer the responses data from the first to the second survey.
Note that you will create one field for each question response you would like to transfer. You should turn off the visible button, because you just want to transfer data and not show them at your respondents.
3.2 Share the second survey
Now the next step is to set up the redirect link. First you would have to copy the second survey link and add the URL parameters for the intro fields. In this example we have 4 responses so the link will be:*|q1_response|*&cf2=*|q2_response|*&cf3=*|q3_response|*&cf4=*|q4_response|*
You can add this link at the final screen button, the outcome redirect or an email template.

If you want to send the same survey to different respondents but compare their results, you would have to create a custom dashboard with a filter. For example if you want to send your survey to different companies and compare their results, you would have to create a custom dashboard with a filter for company and one intro field that gets prefilled with cf1=company1 or company2. Then you can create a custom dashboard for same survey:
- One for Client A (filter = Company1)
- One for Client B (filter = Company2)
- One for both clients, can be default dashboard as well
However If you want to create a pdf with the results, then this could be either done via Google sheets and External Fields or via average formulas with formula filters.
What's next?
- The email templates feature allows you to send emails to your respondents based on their selected answers or a quiz/survey score. This is a great way to keep your respondents engaged! Email templates are so useful because each email can be customized according to each respondent's answers or score using editor variables.
- Multiple outcomes feature allows you to show to your respondents a final screen with multiple different results based on their answers or other criteria you have specified. This is a very useful feature that can you can use to show multiple messages at your quiz results and to categorize, and personalize your last page.
- Use Question grouping & Question blocks: You might want to show more than one question on the screen to make your questionnaire seem shorter. Question grouping is just what you need! You can also activate or de-activate all questions in the question block with one click of a button.