Results dashboard

The results dashboard is the page showing all results collected from your questionnaire. You can customize it by choosing the questions you want to see, which filters you need and more.


This guide will teach you:

  1. Create a new dashboard
  2. Choose summary elements to display
  3. Choose which questions to show
  4. Change chart type
  5. Use Filters
  6. Download or share your results

To access your dashboard, you first need to access the Results. There are two ways to do this, either click on the responses icon on the Home screen or click the Results tab in the question editor.

Results dashboard- responses

Results dashboard- results tab

You'll now be able to view the responses dashboard. To have access to all options and customize it, start by creating a new one.

1. Create a new dashboard

Click Dashboard and select New dashboard to create a new one that you can customize. Make sure to go back here later and click Save and close at the bottom of the drop-down menu after you've made changes.

Results dashboard- create a new dashboard


A New dashboard is needed for customizing since the All Results Dashboard must contain all the answers so offers limited options.


By default, our dashboards allow for displaying up to 5000 responses. If you have more than 5000 responses and you want to analyse them in the charts tab, you'll need to add filters to limit the number of responses. As for exporting the dataset via CSV or Excel, you'll get the full set of data if you remove your filters.

2. Choose summary elements to display

The top section of the page contains some more details and information about the survey.

Results dashboard- choose summary elements


The completion rate is the ratio between how many times the questionnaire was opened and how many times it was opened and completed. Here you can see whether or not people take the time to complete your questionnaire. If the completion rate is low, you may consider reducing the number of questions or adding more images.

You can choose to hide some of this information by clicking Options.

Results dashboard- options tab

Click Edit summary and choose if you want to hide the number of responses, completion rate, average duration, average custom score or  average quiz score.

Results dashboard-  edit summary

You can also choose to add a gauge to the top of the page showing question block scores and formula scores. Make sure you've given your question blocks and formulas titles so you'll know which results you're looking at. Click on the tab to Edit Question Block and Formula KPIs, then simply toggle the ones you want to display.

Results dashboard- edit question block and formula KPIs

Here is how the gauges would appear:

Results dashboard- gauge charts

3. Choose which questions to show

To choose which questions you want to display or hide not answered items in the charts, click Edit results by question.

Results dashboard- edit results by question

  1. Hide not answered: turn this on to hide the category in the charts showing how many did not answer the question.
  2. Order: drag the questions to change the order they will be displayed.
  3. Show in dashboard: here is where you can hide questions that you do not want to show.

Results are displayed in a two-column layout, like below:


Edit results by question is only available if you create a new dashboard.

4. Change chart type

You can choose a different chart type to make a change by clicking Bar chart and select a different type from the drop-down menu. If there are text answers, you'll have the choice to display those as well.

Results dashboard- change chart type


When the answers to your Open-Ended questions are too long you can click the '..' next to the answer to show the full answers.

If you want to print the chart or download it in different formats, click the icon circled below which is in the right-hand corner of each graph.

Results dashboard- download chart


By default, the chart type at the chart view is a bar chart. You can change the chart type and save it when you use a new dashboard, but not when you use the default dashboard. When you share the new dashboard, the chart type will be the one that you have selected and not the default bar chart.

5. Use Filters

By using Filters you can choose which results or answers you want to see. E.g.: all the results or answers of the women older than 35 who were unhappy with the services. 

Choose Filter and Compare in the Options menu.

Results dashboard- filter and compare

Read here how to set your filters just the way you want.

6. Download or share your results

When you are finished with the customizing, you can either download your result (with filters) in a CSV, Excel, or in a PDF, or you can share them online with a link.

To share a link, turn on Enable public dashboard. You'll find this option when you click Options and select Share your dashboard.

Results dashboard- download or share your results


You can send out a link which automatically includes a filter! Just add a URL parameter, a customized part to the end of the link. For a filter based on an email address, add ?rid=EM_ and then the email address. You could also use a personal ID if you have allocated this or a unique ID. For personal ID, add ?rid=EXT_ to the end of the link and then the personal ID. For unique ID use ?rid=UID_ followed by the unique ID.

You can copy the Link and send it to your colleagues or clients, so that they can view your dashboard without needing a Pointerpro account.


Note that when sharing your dashboard and you want to check how it looks when shared, it is advised to open it at a browser where you are not logged in your Pointerpro account.

You can use the iframe code to embed the board on your website.

Make sure to click the Save and close button when you're finished customizing it.

Are you looking to create and customize interactive dashboards that fit your brand?

Check out Dashboard Builder: Create your first dashboard with Dashboard Builder

What's next?

  • Download your results to see and analyze all the data you collected from your survey. There are different options available, choose either a bulk download of survey results or files relating to individual responses. You can choose between CSV format, Excel format, PDF format, or use Report Scheduler.
  • Charts view: allows you monitor the number of responses, the completion rate and the average duration of your surveys. You can also see graphical representations of the results of each question separately and the results of each question block of your survey.
  • Responses view, to analyze the responses you have collected, the last slide and last question when save per question or save and continue is enabled. This is where device data and properties are included, if data collection setting is enabled.
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