A question pool contains all the questions you've created and you can specify how many of those will be displayed to a respondent. Each respondent will then be shown a different set of questions, essentially a different survey!
You might have made a long survey, but you know that a short survey will receive a higher response rate. Use this feature to ensure that the great content you've made don't go to waste!
This guide will teach you:
1. Set up the question pool
Go to the Extra Options tab and scroll down to find Question grouping & Question pool.
Question blocks is the tool that allows you to group your questions together. You can move content between the blocks and decide for which blocks you will enable the question pool feature.
2. Different ways to use
You can use this feature in two different ways:
2.1 Select a certain number of questions
2.1 Select a certain number of questions
When you want to select a certain number of questions and not use all of them, turn on the question pool in QB1 (your only block).
A box will appear where you can choose the number of questions that will be displayed each time someone takes the survey.
For example, in a survey with 10 questions, you can select only 5 of them to be shown randomly. Every time the survey is opened, there will be a different set of 5 questions shown.
2.2 Keep some questions fixed
If you want some content to be fixed in your survey, and some to be selected out of a question pool, you will need to separate the fixed content from the pool questions by using question blocks.

If you want to collect certain data, such as name and email address from everyone, make sure you ask for those in their own block in order that to be always shown, or ask for this information using intro fields.
We'll look at an example where you first want to collect some data from everyone, then have some randomly selected content from a pool.
Add a new Block by clicking Create question block.
Now go back to your first block which contains all your questions. Select which of them you want to move to the pool by checking the box and then select QB2 from the drop-down list.
Now your first block will only have the content that will be always displayed. Make sure the pool is not turned on for the first block.
Go to QB 2, turn on the question pool and select the number of questions you want to be shown each time.
If you also want some content to be fixed after your pool, make a third block and move all the content you want to have fixed after the pool to the third block by selecting those questions and click Move to question block, and select QB3.

When this feature is turned on, you will be able to preview your entire survey but not individual questions. Also, if you need to delete a block, be sure to move its content to a different block first. It is not possible to delete a block that is not empty.
What's next?
- Question logic is a highly effective way to improve the flow of your survey and tailor it to make it relevant to respondents. It allows you to specify which question to show or hide, or even skip to the end of the survey, based on the answer to a preceding inquiry, quiz score, or contact data.
- Outcomes is a feature that allows you to select what you will show to your respondents as a final screen, based on their answers to all questions or show a screen based on criteria that you have specified, such as a specific quiz score. It offers the possibility to create personality quizzes and business tests that end with personalized advice based on the respondent's answers.
Randomize questions means that all of your questions will be shuffled in a random order every time someone opens the questionnaire. This can be useful for a quiz when you don't want respondents to look at each others' answers, as everyone will have their questions in a different order.