Auto Skip will automatically slide to the next question once the answer has been selected by the respondent, so it helps them progress smoothly through the survey. You can also choose if you want to have respondents click Complete to finish the questionnaire or if it will automatically complete once the final question has been answered.

This feature is developed for single Text Choice, single Image Choice, and Rating questions. Questions will not automatically skip if Multiple Choice, Extra comments, or Group on-screen is enabled.
This guide will teach you:
1. Enable Auto skip
Go to the Extra Options tab in your questionnaire, scroll down to the section Question logic and click Auto Skip.
Toggle the button to Enable it.
2. Adjust the settings
Then you'll be given a second option to automatically complete the questionnaire when final question has been answered. Toggle this button to turn on if desired.
Don't forget to click Save changes, and you're done!
What's next?
- Question logic – use rules in your survey so that respondents are only shown questions that are relevant to them. Question logic allows you to specify which question to go to or go to the end of the questionnaire, based on the answer to a preceding question, quiz score, or contact data.
- Question grouping - You might want to show more than one question on the screen to make your questionnaire seem shorter. Use this feature for questions that are all on a related topic. If you really want a short survey, check out the making a one-page survey guide.
- Fill in default responses – use this feature if you want to send respondents a survey with some prefilled answers. Although the answers that you prefill will be shown to respondents as if the question has been answered, they are still able to edit the answer.