Verbal scales may give words or phrases for every answer option, for example, strongly agree/agree/unsure/disagree/strongly disagree, or the scale may be verbalized at the endpoints of the scale, for example, “never” and “always”. Care should be taken when constructing the phrases as the way that the options are worded is likely to affect the respondent’s behavior.

A verbal scale also referred to as a “word statement” or “scale expression”, is where the response options are presented to the respondent using words, whether spoken or written.
This guide will teach you:

1. Verbal map scale
A map scale that expresses the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the ground in words; for example: "One inch equals 10 miles."
2. Graphic map scale
3. Fractional map scale
The fractional method for portraying the scale of a map uses a representative fraction to describe the ratio between the map and the real world. This can be shown as 1:50, 000 or 1/50, 000.
What's next?
- Continuous scale - On a continuous scale, respondents rate the objects by placing a mark at the appropriate position on a line that runs from one extreme of the variable to the other. The form of the continuous scale may vary considerably.
- Comparative scale - Comparative scales involve the direct comparison of stimulus objects. Most often, the respondent is asked to compare one brand, product or feature against another. Comparative scale data must be interpreted in relative terms and have only ordinal or rank order properties.
- Discrete scale - Discrete data, like counts, are numeric data that have a finite number of possible values and can only be whole numbers. Discrete data arise from observations that can only take certain numerical values. Fractions are meaningless. In some situations, mathematical functions or calculations are not possible either.