A star rating question allows people rate a product or service with a number of stars, that can vary from 5 to 10.

A star rating question allows users to rank attributes on a scale represented with stars, instead of radio buttons or checkboxes. It can be used when asking for general opinions and emoji or smiley rating icons are more suitable when asking about emotions or sentiments. Research has shown that the maximal information from one-dimensional subjective evaluation is obtained with 5 to 7 equally distanced ranked choices.
This guide will teach you:
1. Star rating examples
Ask your hotel clients to evaluate your hotel room, breakfast, or their stay in general.
After a training event, ask employees to rate the presenter.
2. Advantages
- Rating scales add a measure of data precision.
- They create standardization, allowing you to compare different people, topics, or products easily.
- They work as a general system, therefore, appraisals and assessments can be created for almost anything.
- They provide an opportunity for things to be graded fairly.
- Equality can be reached in a more successful manner than other systems that are more subjective
3. Disadvantages
- The drawback of misunderstood information.
- There is also a considerable threat of skewed data. The vast majority of users will provide a positive evaluation. They are using it over competitive alternatives and want to justify their decision. There will only be a few who have conducted an unbiased assessment of the available alternatives.
- People interpret the grading differently. As with any grading, some are more inclined to be generous compared to others.
4. Tips
You might think that these answer options are so simple, that you can ask your respondents a more complicated inquiry. Don’t fall into this trap. All the usual golden rules for writing survey inquiry apply:
- Keep it short and simple!
- Avoid double-barrelled inquiries. Only ask respondents to rate one thing, for example, “How would you rate the delivery time” and not, “How would you rate the delivery time and quality of item received”. You will have problems when you come to analyze the data, as you won’t be able to distinguish what exactly your respondents were evaluating.
- You must make sure that it is not a leading inquiry. For example, don’t ask “How would you rate the renowned footballer”. By using the word “renowned” you are causing the respondents to be biased and give them a higher evaluation. Make sure to avoid using wording that suggests a particular answer is desirable.

What's next?
- The Ranking question provides the respondent with a list of items, created by you, which they can rank according to their liking or knowledge. This allows survey respondents to compare different items to each other by placing them in order of how they score (or rank) at a specific aspect, such as design, cost, functionality, importance.
- A radio button rating question allows the respondents to choose an answer between 0 and 10. Only a single answer can be chosen each time. You can use it if you want to get immediate post-purchase feedback, to ask employees to rate a training session or to check how well students feel they understood a lecture.
- Smiley rating: A smiley rating question is a rating question, most often used to get a clear view of how someone likes your product, service, or business. The smiley question is a 5-point rating scale intended to represent a range of sentiments from negative to neutral to positive, making smiley ratings most useful when measuring emotions or feelings.