Save contact details

Save contact details feature allows you to save the personal information that your respondents agree to share with you, and use them to build a contact list automatically. So instead of transferring the data collected to a new list, you can use the saved respondent details to create your list without any effort.


You could use the questionnaire as a registration form and redirect your contacts to the next survey or send out an automatic email to the list that has been created, with the link of your actual quiz, survey, or assessment.

In this guide we'll discuss the following:

  1. Activate save contact details
  2. Add Variables
  3. Send an email using the contact variables 
  4. Redirect your contacts to the next survey
  5. Saving a contact to another user account

1. Activate save contact details

Head to the Extra Options tab. Scroll down to Other options and click Save contact details. There you have to toggle the Add the contact details to your contacts button, and a list with more options will appear.

Save contact details- activate feature

2. Add Variables

Now, you need to choose where the contact details should be taken from. For example, if you are asking for the first name in question 1 of the survey, then you want to take the data from question 1 response.

Save contact details- variables

You have add variables to all the remaining fields that contain the information you need to create your contacts, like last name, email and personal ID. Do not forget to select the contact list you wish your new contacts to be added to.


Make sure the variable value matches the name of a list on your account. If we don't find a list, a new list will automatically be created. Leaving empty (default) will not add the contact to a list.

3. Send an email using the contact variables 

Now when your respondent completes this survey, he automatically becomes a contact. 

So in the same survey where you ask for the contact details, you can set up an email template, where you can place the link of the next survey that you would like your respondents to take.

First, fill in all the required fields. In the recipients field you can add the variable *|contact_email|*.

Save contact details- add recipients

Then write your message in the email body.

Save contact details- email body

Now in a new tab, open the survey that you would like to share with your respondents, go to the share tab and copy the survey link.

Save contact details-copy the survey link

Go back to the email template and paste the link in the email body.

Save contact details-paste the survey link

Clink on the link you just pasted, and click edit.

Save contact details-adjust URL parameters

A new pop up window will open, where you have to customize the URL in order to be able to identify your contacts in the results tab, by adding /?rid=UID_*|contact_unique_id|* directly after the survey link. Make sure you have no spaces in between.

Save contact details-adjust URL parameters

Click save and you are ready to schedule your email template.

You can schedule when the email will be send and add conditions to control whether to send the email or not.

Save contact details- schedule email

4. Redirect your contacts to the next survey

If you don't want to send an email to your new contacts, but you would like to redirect them directly to the second survey, then you can use the final screen redirect.

Open your final page, change the Final button label from "Back to the start" to "Continue to the next survey", and then at the "Where do you want to take your respondents after clicking the final button?", select "To a specific URL".

Save contact details- final screen redirect

To redirect your respondents automatically, you can toggle the Auto redirect after 10 sec. button. 

Now in a new tab, open the second survey, go to the share tab and copy the survey link.

Save contact details-copy the survey link

Go back to the final page of the first survey and paste the link of the second survey in the redirect field. In order to be able to identify your contacts in the results tab, you would have to customize the URL by adding /?rid=UID_*|contact_unique_id|* directly after the survey link. Make sure you have no spaces in between.

Save contact details- final screen redirect

Don't forget to click save to save your work!

5. Saving a contact to another user account

Using the Owner field, you can set who will own this Contact. This way you can make sure the right user can see this Contact and it's responses. In the DistributR plan, lower level accounts can only see their own Contacts. 

To set the Owner correctly, make sure this field is filled with the email address of the user you wish to assign. In case that email address was misspelled or for any other reason does not exist in your organization, the contact will still be created but assigned to the owner of the questionnaire. That means you could just leave this field blank to assign the contact to the questionnaires owner.

A common use case for this field is pre-filling it using intro fields in the URL. In this case, keep in mind how URL parameters work. 

What's next?

  • Email notifications: When you want to receive a notification every time the survey is completed, you can turn on Email notifications. You can enter your email address as well as the email address of any colleagues who need to receive the emails as well.
  • Geolocation: When it is important for you to know where the respondents take the survey, you can turn on Geolocation. When the location on the device is turned on, you will receive the location in your results and in your Notification Email.
  • A URL parameter is the final part of the URL which you can customize and use to identify someone. URL parameters can be used to see which of your contacts have completed the questionnaire and to search for contacts in the Responses view once they've completed the questionnaire.
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