Add a gauge chart to your personalized PDF report to represent average or actual scores or percentage results for question blocks or formulas. Respondents can see at a glance if they've scored towards the top-end or bottom-end of the scale.
This graphical representation is usually used to show small numbers of values.
This guide will teach you:
1. Add a gauge chart to the page
To add a gauge chart widget to the page, all you have to do is click on it and drag and drop it on the page.
If you would like to create columns and split your content in more widgets, then first you would need to select the number of columns you want.
You can find all the different column formats at the layout widgets.
Then you can drag and drop the column widget on your page and add the widget in the column.
Once you add the widget a pop-up window will open where you can setup the chart.
2. Setup the chart
At the Gauge chart window that will open fill in the following information.
- Chart title - This title will be displayed above your chart
- Y-Axis min - Use the arrows or enter a value for the lowest value of the bar. The minimum value will be shown under the graph on the left-hand side.
- Y-Axis max - Use the arrows or enter a value for highest value of the bar. The maximum value will be shown under the right-hand end of the graph. The Y-axis values can be any value you like (they do not have to be between 0 and 1 as the threshold values).
- Y-axis title - Name the progress bar. This title will show immediately on top of the bar, as opposed to the Title which is displayed in larger letters above the Y-axis title.
- Set number of decimal places- Set this to 0 if you do not wish to show any decimal places. Otherwise choose how many decimal places you want, bearing in mind that too many decimal places are not so useful to the report reader. If you choose to show 3 decimal places for example, then the value 1.559247 would be displayed as 1.559.
Now it is time to set thresholds. The values you set for the thresholds will determine the shading of the progress bar. Change the shading so that a higher score will have a different or brighter shade than a lower score.
- Use the arrows to set the threshold value. This must be a number between 0 and 1. The values entered will be converted into percentages, e.g. a threshold value of 0.1 will cover the first 10% of the bar.
- Click the color selector to change the color of each threshold. The default shades would color the bar in red for the lowest scoring answers, yellow for mid-ranking scores, and for top-scoring answers, the bar would be colored in green.
If you want more than 3 colors of the progress bar, that's no problem! Simply click Add threshold and add as many as you require. Keep in mind that the threshold value must be between 0 and 1!

The values for the thresholds must be entered in order, starting with the lowest value (threshold 1) and increasing to the highest value.

If a score is in between 2 thresholds, a mix of the 2 threshold colors will be shown on the gauge. In order to have it as 1 color, you need to set up minimum and maximum threshold values.
Click Variables to access the drop-down menu of the variable on which you want the graph to be based. There's a whole range of options - it could be the answer to a formula, question block score, custom score, or very simply an answer to a particular question! Just make sure the variable is a numerical value otherwise the graph will not work.
Then click the Save and close button to save your work and view your chart.
3. Additional settings
Select the widget and then at the right of the screen click on the gear button. The widget list will be replaced by the additional settings.
Here you can find the following settings:
1. ID
This is the ID of the widget.
2. Name
You can name your widget in order to identify it easier.
3. Rules
You can add your widget logic rules to ensure that your content will be visible only when the conditions are true.
When you click the Edit rule button a new pop-up window will appear.
Select from the dropdown menu the option you want, and then fill in all the required fields. Once you add everything you can click the Submit button.
Your content will not be displayed on the page anymore, instead of the content you will be able to see the widget logic rules.
If you would like to edit your content again just click on the rule and the widget will expand. To edit the rule you would have to click on the Edit rule at the settings.
This is the window where you can delete the rule by clicking on the Delete rule button.
4. Margins
Add margins to create space around elements and move them in your page. By default the margins are set to 0, but you can change that anytime and add the margin you prefer.

You can add margins left and right to make your chart smaller. The bigger the margins, the smaller the chart. Note that the margins should be equal, in order for the chart to be centered in the page.
5. Background color
You can change the background color of this specific widget by clicking the color selector.
Once you click it the background color selector will expand and you will be able to select the color you want or add the color hex.
To save just click Apply color.
6. Chart settings
You can change the default title and label font size if you want. This is very useful if you are placing your chart inside a column, or you adjust its size. In this case you will have a smaller chart but your text will still be readable.
4. Additional buttons
When you click on your widget, 4 blue buttons appear to the right.
The Arrow allows you to move between the different layers of the page. For example if you add a widget in a column then you have 3 layers: the page, the column and the widget. The arrow allows you to quickly select a different layer.
The second icon, the four arrow sign, allows you to move your widget up or down to the page.
The third icon, the page, allows you to copy this widget and the forth icon, the bin, to delete it.
What's next?
- Renewed Report Builder-Bar chart: Add a Bar Chart widget to your customized report to show respondents' results or another data set at a glance. This way you will display your data with rectangular bars. It allows you to show data separated into categories with relative numbers.
- Renewed Report Builder-Bubble chart: The bubble chart widget allows your respondents to see their results from different questions but also compare them to other components. A bubble chart stands out because it allows a comparison between three variables.
- Renewed Report Builder-Pie chart: Add a Pie Chart widget to your customized report to show respondents' results at a glance. This is a great way of displaying data in proportions and representing a rough estimate of percentages.