My Team feature allows you to control which team members in your organization are able to view or edit certain questionnaires and the corresponding results. You can create different teams, add members, change roles, and even restrict certain features.
This guide will teach you:
- Set the authority of team members
- Add a team member
- Groups in My Team
- User status
- Deleting a team member
- Role modules and Models Access chart
1. Set the authority of team members
Select My Team from the main menu.
Here is where you can see all your team members. You can set up their role and control who has access to view and edit your survey, but also who can view the results. Alternatively, you can edit their role by searching for their email and clicking on it.
You can select between eight Roles:
- A Restricted member can only change or edit the content they have created.
- A Team member can view or edit questionnaires, and view results of the folders that you have specified. This role can also manage the contacts and send out invitations for questionnaires.
- A Distributor can access and manage content created by other users within the organization and also create other users.
- A Customer role can view or edit questionnaires, view results of the folders that you have specified, manage the contacts, and send out invitations for questionnaires. This role can also create teams and add users to the team.
- An Administrator role has full access and permission to all the data of their organization. They can change roles, and see and edit every questionnaire.
- A Super Admin is responsible for managing the license and assigning the Administrator users. This role is given to the person who has acquired the license on our platform.
- A Contact role is responsible for filling out the questionnaires. This role can see an overview of their responses.
- A Reporting viewer cannot view or edit questionnaires but can view reporting dashboards.
The Administrator can grant or remove specific permissions such as Can create questionnaires and Can create and manage contacts. For each of the seven columns to view questionnaires, edit questionnaires and view reporting dashboards, you can give access to one or several questionnaire folders.
When you select a role you can also determine the user's access to view and edit questionnaires or view reporting dashboards. You can specify the questionnaires and dashboards you can give access to.
There are four authorization states for your questionnaire and only one can be active at a time.
- No Access: disables the user from accessing and adjusting the chosen survey in the editor
- Read Only: allows the user to view the chosen survey in the editor
- Share Only: allows the user to view the chosen survey in the editor and email invitations
- All Access: allows the user to view and adjust the chosen survey in the editor and email invitations
For your reports, you can only select between the two authorizations:
- No Access disables the user from accessing the chosen dashboard.
- All Access allows the user to access and adjust the chosen dashboard.
2. Add a team member
You can add a team member by clicking the Add team member button. If you have reached your limit of members, you can either delete an existing member to make space for a new one or contact us to upgrade the number of members in your organization.
When you click Add team member, a box pops up where you can enter the member's Email, First Name, and Last Name. Select a Role from the drop-down menu. The member will receive an email with the message that you added him/her to the organization. This message also contains the link to verify the account and to change the password. Click Save and close and you are ready.
When you're finished making changes to your members and their roles, don't forget to click Save changes at the top of the team members' screen.
3. Groups in My Team Management
This is a very useful feature when you want to allow different team members to see each other contacts and contact lists. You can create groups within the organization to separate team members into smaller groups.
For example like this:
To create a group, click the All users dropdown and click Create group.
Now you can name the group and save it.
Once you have your groups you can start adding users to them. Select the members and add them by clicking Add to group.
Choose the group you want your users to be in. Save and close it and you have it!
Now all the members of the group can have the same contacts and use the same contact lists.

An admin can see all the contacts and contacts lists of the organization, even if those were created prior to the admin. Admins can not be added into a group, as they see everything by default.
A Team member can access and use only his contacts and contacts lists if he is not part of a group. If he is added in a group, then he can see and use contacts and contact lists of the other team members of the group.
4. User Status
The User status shows whether the chosen user has activated his account. To activate the user you can send out an email with the link or you can verify the link directly.

When you are creating a new user, activation via URL is required.
When you follow the link, you will be redirected to a page where you can set up the password for the account. You have one week to use the activation email. Your organization admin can send you a new email after it expires.
Example of Active user state:
Example of an Inactive user state with expired activation link:
Example of an Inactive user state with active activation link:
5. Deleting a team member
If you delete a member, all the questionnaires made by that person will be transferred to the admin (who deleted the user). If you wish to delete an admin, please contact support.
6. Role modules and Models Access chart
= no access at all to this module
= can only access items they own
= access to all items in the organization
= has access to the item if they own it or are authorized by their administrator
- Sees all users in read-only mode, can only create “Administrator” users
- Has full access to create and manage roles “Team Member”, “Customer”, “Restricted”, “Reporting Viewer”, “Administrator”
- Has full access to create and manage roles “Team Member” and “Contact”
- Super Admin is an optional role in an organization, if an organization does not have a Super Admin role a user with the role “Administrator” should be made responsible for License Management with a toggle
- If the organization license does not include ReportR, the user will of course not have access to ReportR and not be able to allow other users to access ReportR
- For ReportR there will be no option to configure authorizations at the moment, the authorization will look at the survey connected to the report: if the user may edit that survey, the ReportR will be visible and editable
- The responses available in the reporting dashboards for the “Customer” role, has limited access to responses taken by contacts they own, this limit applies to the “Customer” role only
- Applicable if the organization has a license for Campaigns
- Full access to team management: can create, read, update, and delete users including configuration of user permissions, and authorizations (questionnaires, dashboards)
What's next?
- White labeling: You can remove Pointerpro brand and logo from our product and replace it with your own. There are a lot of possibilities for branding your questionnaire by design. But if you want to fully brand your questionnaire by using your own link, you can white-label your questionnaire.
- Distribution portal: Our online Distribution Portal endows you with a great opportunity: to sell your assessments as valuable digital products, to a maximized audience. As a consultant, coach or agency, you want to deliver quality advice to as many customers as possible and Distribution Portal allows you to plug into e-commerce websites through the magic of our developers’ application programming interface (better known as API).
- Require Contact is a feature that allows you to control who can access your survey and makes the questionnaire only accessible to contacts. If validation fails, the participant is not able to fill in the survey but a configurable message will be displayed instead.