You can approximate grid or matrix questions if you group the Slider (text), Slider (numbers), Radio Button Rating types of questions on the same screen. As real grid or matrix questions are not user-friendly on mobile devices they are not offered on Pointerpro.

A matrix is a type of closed question that uses the same answer scale for a number of different questions, displaying them in a table or grid layout. The rows are the question statements, and the columns are the answer options.
This guide will teach you:
1. Using Slider & Radio Button Rating
When you have a few questions that all have the same answer scale, using a grid or matrix offers the benefit that respondents can quickly answer all of them as they are grouped together on one screen.
You can add either Text Slider, Number Slider, or Radio Button Rating.
Type in your text.
Then go to the Extra options - Question grouping & Question pool.
Toggle the button for Group questions on the same screen
If you group the Slider (text), Slider (numbers), Radio Button Rating on the same screen, it will ask you to choose a Standard, Condensed, or Table Display.
This is how the Table display will appear:
The respondent can easily select the appropriate answer and then move on to the next block.
2. Using Form
With your matrix-type question laid out as a form, you’ll avoid the pitfall that can happen with a traditional grid layout where respondents answer too quickly and go down the column selecting the same answer each time.
Add a form to your survey.
Type you text and then choose each form field to be a Dropdown field type.
Now you can name each form field, equivalent to naming the rows of a matrix. Underneath the field name, type the answers that you want to appear in the drop-down menu, each separated by a comma. This would be similar to the column names you would have at the top of a matrix. In our example, we used a Likert scale of satisfaction and simply typed the list for form field 1 and then copied it for the next 2 form fields.
We recommend offering not more than 5 answer options to keep things clear and user-friendly.

Don't forget that each answer option will be displayed on a new line of the drop-down menu, so make sure to capitalize the beginning of each answer.
This is how your form will appear when the first answer box is selected:

Other ideas for your drop-down could be numbers 1-10, strongly agree---strongly disagree, extremely important---extremely unimportant, etc.
Some ideas for forms:
- Rating of different aspects of consumer’s experience, allowing them to rate their satisfaction level for each one.
- Asking for respondent’s agreement with a range of statements – you can use this type of form if your statements are short. Otherwise, consider using a text slider with one question per screen if your statements are longer or more complex.
- Asking respondents to rate how important they feel an issue is.
- Use a scale of frequency (never -always) for respondents to rate how often they do a number of activities.
3. Using Text Choice
Add a Text Choice question to your survey.
Type your text and add the answer options.
This is an example of how it will look like:
Click here to see an example of all the different options: https://s.pointerprocom/gkqwedlh
What's next?
- The final screen aims to give a final message to your respondents, thank them for participating, give further instructions or leave some extra information. This the also the page where you can add your social media icons to enable your respondents to like or share your survey, your Facebook page or website.
The intro screen is the first screen your respondents will see when they're taking your survey. When you're sending out a survey, you'll want to give your respondents a bit of information before they start. You can do this with the Intro screen.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a computer language used to adjust the presentation of a HTML or XML document. Adding Custom CSS allows you to change many elements of your design (e.g., make answers larger, make buttons out of links, etc.) that are not included in the Design tab.