Change the question order and type fast and easy! You do not need to create everything from scratch, you just need to make some adjustments from a dropdown menu.
This guide will teach you:
1. Change question order
If you changed your mind about your questions sequence, do not panic! It is unnecessary to delete everything and start all over again, when you can just adjust it.
To reorder your questions, all you have to do is to go to the Questions tab, and click on the first dropdown next to the question you would like to reorder. Then from the dropdown menu, select another number.

Reordering will push down or up all the other questions in between.

If you reorder or delete a question that has question logic (rules) attached to it, you'll see a pop-up screen that shows the impact of these changes.

Reordering will also affect your question blocks. Make sure your question sequence is final before creating your blocks, otherwise you would have to re-adjust them.

Once you've passed the 50 question limit, the dropdowns for reordering will be hidden for performance reasons. However, you're still able to change the order of your questions by clicking directly on the question number.
2. Change type
If you decide that this question type is not useful anymore, you can just change it without loosing your data.
At the Questions tab, click on the second dropdown menu, next to the question you would like to modify. Then select another question type from the menu.
Now you can write the answers and if you like, you can also give them custom score.

When changing question type with already recorded responses you will see the following message:
If you change this question's type you might lose all responses already recorded to this question. This action cannot be undone. If you like to keep the responses you can make this question inactive and create a new question with the desired type. Are you sure you want to continue with changing this question's type?
3. Change widget order
If you changed your mind about your PDF widget sequence, you can change the order. Just like with the question order, you can click on the number and change it!
At the Widgets tab, click on the dropdown menu next to the widget, and simply change the widget number. This will cause the other

Once you've passed the 50 widget limit, the dropdowns for reordering will be hidden for performance reasons. However, you're still able to change the order of your widget by clicking directly on the widget number.
What's next?
- The overview of quiz features help guide, includes all the information you need in order to create a stunning and fun quiz. It is recommended to add different features to ensure that the final result will be interesting for your respondents.
- We offer a large choice of question types to make your questionnaire entertaining and interactive. Here's a quick overview of these possibilities, along with some best practices in case you have a hard time deciding which one you want or need.
- The final screen aims to give a final message to your respondents, thank them for participating, give further instructions or leave some extra information. It is very important to create a beautiful and informative final page, as this is the last impression your respondents will have from your survey.