Form questions are mostly used for demographic questions. Most people use this question type to make use of the validation features and make sure the data is entered in the correct way, for example, to check that the email contains an β@β or that the date is written in the same way in all the surveys to avoid mistakes.
It can contain drop-downs, date pickers, email-checkers, etc. Here is an example:

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This guide will teach you:
- Add a Form question
- Change the general question settings
- Edit the question
- Create your fields
- Custom Validation
1. Add a Form question
To add the question, go to the Questions tab. Click ?Questions. Select Form from the list of question types. Click Add.
2. Change the general question settings
- Hide/show the question settings.
- Change the question order.
- Change question type.
- Make the question active/inactive.
- Lock/unlock the question to be edited by other team members.
- Copy, Delete or Preview that particular question.
3. Edit The question
- Add your question text here. Use the rich text editor icons to change the text to bold, italics, or use your company's colors and change the font size.
- Click Add media or Add YouTube video to upload images or videos to make your questionnaire more entertaining. The file needs to be under 2MB. To add a YouTube video, paste a YouTube link after you've clicked the Add YouTube video button.
- Add a question tag - turn this feature to add a tag to your question that you can reference in your survey or PDF.
4. Create your fields
This is what the answer options side of the screen will look like. There are 7 types of fields available here. For each one, you'll have the option to make it mandatory, requiring the respondent to answer the question before moving on. You can also choose to turn on custom validation.

You'll notice that a few fields are already added to make it easier. You can choose to delete them or change them as you need. You can also have a few of the same type fields e.g. Text - Single Line.
Click on the circled box and you'll see this drop-down with all possible fields:
Let's see now when you would want to use each type of field.
- Text - Single Line - If you don't need a lot of information, a single line will limit your respondent to only fill in the information you need and ask for.
- Email - This box checks the '@' and the ending of the email address to make sure people add a real email address. It will also check that there is a "." and two letters after it. If the text doesn't have the structure of an email address, the text will stay red until it is corrected.
- Date - To make sure everyone writes the date, in the same way, you can use a Date field. This field allows the respondent to choose a date from a calendar. This way the date has the same notation in all reports. See below as to how this will show up in the actual questionnaire.
- Number - Need only a number such as an age or a phone number? Choose the Number field. Only numbers and no text can be entered in this field.
- Dropdown - When respondents click on the box, a field with answers will appear out of which they can choose one. Enter your answers in the answer box with each answer separated by a comma.
- Text - Area - This field gives the respondent a large area to fill in the answer or specifics you asked for.
- Opt-in - Use this if you want to ask if respondents agree with the terms of use or if they want to sign up for the newsletter. In the results, you'll find 'Y' for checked and 'N' if the respondent didn't check the box.

Use a typeahead question instead of a drop-down (form question) if you have more than 250 characters or more than 15 answer options.
Click Add form field to add as many extra fields as you wish.

The character limit of all responses on your fields for a single form question is 5.000. Example: the response of a question with a name field, an email field and a text area field, will not be saved completely if the response of the three fields combined exceeds 5.000 characters. If you expect to exceed this limit, we recommend to separate your form fields into multiple questions.
5. Custom Validation
Custom validation is a feature available for all paying plans.

Validation checks the validity of the data that has been entered, making sure that it has been entered in the format that you have specified.
Add custom validation to validate the fields Text - Area, Text - Single Line, and Number (which already only allows numbers).
Now an extra option called Validation will appear under each of the text fields. Click on the drop-down menu to select the type of validation you want.
You can choose to validate the field by specifying an exact number of characters, for example in a zip code, a minimum or a maximum number of characters, maybe for an employee ID number or Phone number (US).
If you choose that you want to specify an exact number of characters, or minimum or maximum amount, a box will appear where you can enter the number of characters required.
For a number field, once you have activated custom validation, you'll be able to enter the minimum and maximum number that you want to allow.
If you need another validation option you can contact us.
Now you've spent time adding all the fields you want, don't forget to save your work!
What's next?
- A Typeahead Form question is perfect when you have many answers which you want the respondent to choose from. The respondent can search the list by typing the first letters of the word and the corresponding answers will appear.
- Intro Fields are used to collect demographic data such as name, email, job title, and so on and you can add them at your Intro screen. This is a quick way to gather all information on one screen at the beginning of the questionnaire rather than having respondents answer each question on a separate screen.
- Text Only allows you to add a screen or slide with only text (and a media file) in your questionnaire. It will add interaction and personality to your questionnaire because instead of only asking for information, you have the opportunity to give information as well. It helps to create a dialogue and make your questionnaire feel interactive.