A Typeahead Form question is perfect when you have many answers which you want the respondent to choose from. The respondent can search the list by typing the first letters of the word and the corresponding answers will appear.
The Typeahead Form has an added benefit over the Typeahead Autosuggest as you can upload extra information which will be automatically filled in when the respondent chooses the answer from the first field.
This guide will teach you:
1. Add a Typeahead Form question
In the Questions tab, click the button ? Questions. Select Typeahead Form and click Add.
2. Change the general question settings
- Hide/show the question settings.
- Change the question order.
- Change question type.
- Make the question active/inactive.
- Lock/unlock the question to be edited by other team members.
- Copy, Delete or Preview that particular question.
3. Edit the question
- Add your question here. Use the rich text editor icons to make your text bigger, add emojis or video, change the alignment, and more!
- Click Add media or Add YouTube video to upload images or videos to make your questionnaire more entertaining. The file needs to be under 2MB. To add a YouTube video, paste a YouTube link after you've clicked the Add YouTube video button.
- Make the question mandatory - toggle the button to require respondents to answer the question before moving to the next question.
- Add a question tag - turn this feature to add a tag to your question that you can reference in your survey or PDF.
4. Upload answers
Create a CSV file with the column names along the top row, and the details you want to upload for each respondent in the rows underneath. Here is an example:
When you have made your file in Excel, save it as a CSV file. Read more details about saving as CSV.
- Click Upload answers and select the file you have just created. Use the text box to tell respondents what they need to do, e.g., choose your name from the list below. Here's the example file we have used.
- Add a text box to specify or leave an extra comment - when this feature is switched on, you'll be able to add your own text to ask respondents to give more information.
- Add button to upload an extra image file - This feature allows the respondents to upload their own image files. You can use this feature to make the survey more engaging.

The top row with the column names is automatically detected and you can edit the titles in the text box that comes up once you have uploaded the answer file.

Typeahead Form only works when the respondent selects an item from your list. If he tries to type the answers he will not be able to save.
What's next?
- Form questions are mostly used for demographic questions. Most people use this question type to make use of the validation features and make sure the data is entered in the correct way, for example, to check that the email contains an ‘@’ or that the date is written in the same way in all the surveys to avoid mistakes.
- A Typeahead Auto-Suggest question is used when you have many answers that the respondent needs to choose from. Use this question to save yourself loads of time and make it easy for respondents to answer! You can just upload a whole file with all of the answers instead of entering them in one-by-one.
- Intro Fields are used to collect demographic data such as name, email, job title, and so on and you can add them at your Intro screen. This is a quick way to gather all information on one screen at the beginning of the questionnaire rather than having respondents answer each question on a separate screen.